The Centerpoint Community Church Men’s Ministry provides an environment where men can connect with other men and discover how to be Godly men in their personal life, family life and work life. We recognize that men need other men in their lives and we strive to provide opportunities for men to connect with one another. The core of our ministry is to show men how to have an Abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and how to become self-feeders with the Word of God. Start by joining our Men’s breakfast each month on the 2nd Saturday at 8am. Come meet others who are on the same journey into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. We would love for you to join us!
Join us July 25th @5pm - July 27th @11am for the MC-48 Men’s Weekend on the river! All men are welcome! There will be food, fellowship, teaching, testimonies and worship with guest Eric Lee Brumley! You won’t want to miss it!
What to bring:
Register below and come join us at
958 W. River Road in Waterville Maine!
Becoming Abiders in Jesus Christ and Self Feeders through the “Journey”
We start with “The Journey to the Inner Chamber” a creative novel that introduces a path of discovery that will lead the reader to the answer for the questions, “Who am I? What is my purpose? What is my life all about?” and more.
If you are interested in joining a group of men and taking this journey together, please contact us by clicking the button below.
Continue the Journey!
If you have already completed "The Journey to the Inner Chamber", and are ready to continue your Journey, This if for you!
The Journey process is a 9-month process, with most groups meeting every other week. It is divided into three main segments called, Enlightened, Enabled and Expressing.
The Enlightened segment of The Journey is the foundation of the journey process. The step by step understanding of the four personal aspects of God (He Knows, He Cares, He is Willing and He is Able) are designed to help the participant realize that God is a loving, caring and intimate God who wants to involve Himself in every area of the participant’s life. This new understanding of who God really is should guide the participant to the goal of a willingness to trust God with his life. This “enlightening” of the participant prepares the way for the second segment of The Journey.
The Enabled segment of The Journey focuses on guiding the participant towards an abiding, intimate relationship with Jesus. This segment helps the participant understand how the Holy Spirit “enables” him to develop this new level of intimacy. He is guided through an understanding of the “fruit of the Spirit” and how this fruit enables the use of the “gifts of the Spirit.” This should help him to better understand his role and purpose in God’s kingdom work. Above all else, the Enabled segment should guide the participant towards the goal of releasing control of his life and allowing him to experience the joy of personal abandonment found in his abiding relationship with Jesus.
The Expressing segment of The Journey is the culmination of the journey process. The principles of “Being a God Seeker”, “Being a God Abider” and “Live It Out” are used as the guide to help the knight participant understand fully the entire Journey. He is introduced to the concept of servant leadership within his marriage, his family and his world around him. He is challenged to grasp the concept of “blooming where he is planted” and how he is now ready to partner with God to influence his world in a supernatural way. At the end of The Journey, the participant is released to take the name “Influencer” and begin to bear fruit that lasts by expressing Christ-like love to all those around him.
If you are interested in Continuing your Journey, Click the link below to contact us!
If you are looking to connect with other men to study God’s Word and share life together, this might be just what you are looking for! This group meets every Saturday morning at 9am here at the church. They study the Word and talk about their struggles in life and support each other through prayer and study. This is a confidential group so everything shared in the group, stays in the group.